Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tiny Miracles Happen Because We Believe in Him

We all know that the Sinulog happened last week, and before all that celebration, there was a nine-day novena and also a procession before that. It has been said that if you wish for something and complete the novena, your wish will come true. I did have a wish and I completed the novena. It's not that I only completed it to get my wish granted, I have been doing this since I was in college. I never want to miss the novena and do my best to complete it as much as possible. So back to where I was. This year I asked Snr. Santo Niño to help me raise money to be able to go to Abu Dhabi for work. That was what I most of the time asked for. Please help me raise enough amount so I could work outside the country and help my parents. My dad is sick you know. I just prayed and I never really asked him to give it to me right away. I just prayed but was not expecting anything to happen right away.

After Sinulog, about 2 days after, I emailed my Aunt Helen. I appealed for help. I have been appealing for help from her many years ago so I could go abroad and she always turns me down because she herself also has some financial obligations at home. Her son is in college and tuition fees are expensive. So she had no extra money. So I emailed her, told her stuff and also appealed for help. Maybe Snr. Santo Niño knows how desperate I am right now, he granted me a miracle. My Aunt Helen agreed to let me borrow money so I could start processing my papers and also buy plane tickets once my papers are complete. It's a miracle! Before, I used to think that I am never gonna be able to go abroad because I don't have any money. I used to think desperately that I am stuck. I used to feel so helpless about our family's situation. But He changed all that. He granted me my wish and He made me the happiest person ever. Now I have started processing my paper. I am just waiting for the Department of Foreign Affairs to release it.

This is it! I think I am going abroad. I went to Santo Niño church that day when I got the news. I thanked Him for everything. I promised that once I am working abroad, I will try my best to be able to go home every Sinulog. I also promised him to carry out my dream. One day I will be building my own foundation and I will make a difference... One day... Just taking it one step at a time right now..

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