Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting to the Photo Contest is Expensive

I have never celebrated Sinulog when I was growing up. I only began to appreciate it when I was in college when I started college. My school was just near the church and I got to attend the novenas. Then about three years ago, I started to celebrate it with my friends and I am enjoying it.

This year I think it's gonna be great. My friends and I decided to rent a room. Well, we have not reserved it yet because our favorite place does not accept reservations. We would have to walk in there on Saturday the 15th and rent a room for two days. Hopefully we could get one. I am staying positive. 

I have already search the venues and events for this coming Sinulog 2012 so we would know where to go. A good way to get good seats on the streets in to rent a stall and pretend you are gonna sell something. That will guarantee you front seats on the side walk. There is also one other thing. You can register to become an official photographer for Sinulog and you could get access to all the events. I mean inside the events. However I would have to comment on the fees for it though. I costs a thousand pesos to register. It's per head. I would have been good if it's for two. I called up the number for the Sinulog Foundation office at (6332)253-3700 and found out that for your one thousand pesos, you are only gonna get a shirt and an ID. Then you get to submit entries for the Photo contests that's gonna give away thousands.  But it's so expensive. They are not even gonna give away vests anymore. I would have registered for it even if I don't want to submit photos. But it's just so expensive. I will just have to find a different way to have fun that day.

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